Weather forecast · Selva Val Gardena Wolkenstein · South Tyrol · Arya Alpine Lodge
Weather in South Tyrol
min: 1°/9°
max: 16°/23°
min: 3°/10°
max: 15°/22°
min: 5°/12°
max: 15°/23°
min: 5°/12°
max: 17°/24°

Weather conditions in South Tyrol today 17.09.2024

Weather conditions in South Tyrol todayWeather conditions:
The influence of the low pressure will ease and the air masses will become drier.

A few rain showers may pass through in the morning. During the day, there will be a friendly mix of sun and clouds. The north wind will ease.High temperatures between 15° in the Wipptal and 22° in the Unterland.

Mountain weather in South Tyrol today 17.09.2024
Mountain weather in South Tyrol today
Wind in 3000m
1 - light breeze: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate breeze: 16-30 km/h
3 - high wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - gale / storm: > 60 km/h

Mountain weather conditions today:
The influence of the low pressure will ease and the air masses will become drier.

Mountain weather today:
There will be a mixture of sun and clouds on the mountains. Isolated showers are possibile, but it will mostly stay dry. Weak wind from east.

Weather evolution:

Weather forecast generated: 16.09.2024, 11:00

Previsioni del tempo messe a disposizione da:
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